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Dr. SyLinda Musaindapo, Ed.D.

Manager, Faculty Success

Dr. SyLinda Musaindapo, Ed. D. (Dr. Sy) has been with 2U since 2015 and works as a faculty success manager. Dr. Sy is a community activist and social justice leader through public speaking, professional coaching, and digital media.


“How Did We Get Here?” Curated 🎥 + 🎧 + 📘 Tracks from Our Black Engagement Network on Juneteenth, Systemic Racism, and Allyship

We all have different levels of familiarity and experience with topics related to slavery and race. In honor of Juneteenth, my colleagues and I invite everyone to explore the holiday’s intertwining history with systemic racism, as well as ways to overcome bias through allyship.


Juneteenth 2020: Tell your Story

Dr. SyLinda Musaindapo, local Denver chair for 2U’s Black Engagement Network (BNet), shares how you can use storytelling to celebrate Juneteenth.