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Rebecca Gallagher

Vice President, Internal Communications and Engagement

Rebecca Gallagher is a strategic communicator who excels at taking lofty ideas like vision, mission, and strategy and bringing them to life in a way that engages and motivates employees. She currently leads the internal communications and corporate social responsibility functions for 2U. Prior to 2U, she created and executed external, franchisee, and employee communications in the broadcasting, e-commerce, restaurant, and tourism industries.


Celebrating the International Rescue Committee and Supporting Their Learning Needs Ahead of World Refugee Day

The IRC works tirelessly to bring more awareness and support to the day of June 20, designated by the United Nations as World Refugee Day. At 2U, we’re honored to extend our partnership with this global humanitarian organization and shine a spotlight on some of the IRC’s scholarship recipients.

Jun 18, 2021·Rebecca Gallagher